NHFIC Capacity Building

Housing Australia (previously NHFIC) at a Glance

Housing Australia supports the provision of social and affordable housing through:

  • The Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator (AHBA), providing loans to registered CHOs on terms more favourable than offered through commercial markets. Loans can be used to buy or build new social or affordable housing, maintain current housing, provide working capital or refinance existing debt.
  • The National Housing Infrastructure Facility (NHIF) providing finance for infrastructure projects that unlock new housing supply, particularly affordable housing.

Housing Australia’s Board has approved over $1.6 billion of AHBA loans to CHPs, supporting over 2300 new homes and more than 6300 existing homes. This has saved CHPs an estimated $199 million in interest.

Housing Australia funds AHBA loans by issuing its own bonds into the wholesale capital market. Housing Australia  has issued three bonds to date and is one of the largest issuers of social bonds in Australia.

Eligible Tier 1, 2 and 3 CHPS can access tailored assistance from a panel of approved professional advisory service providers to help with applications for Housing Australia funding. The Capacity Building Program provides consultancy services covering four key areas:

  • Finance: project and business financial modelling, fundraising, financial risk analysis and key ratios
  • Business planning: project and business planning, preparation of business cases, forming partnerships, monitoring results
  • Property development: developing or procuring new social and affordable housing, mixed tenure, sustainable and accessible property design, urban planning, place making
  • Risk management: understanding risks (business, financial, policy, governance etc.) and managing, monitoring and mitigating risk.

The first Capacity Grant was awarded at the end of October 2019, to SA housing provider Westside Housing. 

Housing Australia also has two financial modeling tools to assist CHPs available on their website.

 The Capacity Building Program has been extended until 30 September 2024. 

Other Projects


Contact Us

For enquiries about the Capacity Grant program please contact:

  • Joanna Forman
    Business Manager, Community Housing Industry Association
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 0416 312099
  • Wendy Hayhurst,
    CEO, Community Housing Industry Association,
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 0421 046 832

For enquiries about Housing Australia finance please contact:

  • Housing Australia
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 1800 549 767 or 1800 749 1679am – 5pm Monday to Friday (Australian Eastern Standard Time)