
Homes for Homes has announced it will provide $200,000 to support two projects which will increase Australia’s supply of social and affordable housing.

YWCA Canberra will receive $100,000 towards establishing 10 supported dwellings for older women and women with children who are experiencing family violence while Homes for Homes will provide another $100,000 to assist Community Housing Canberra build two homes which will help women transition from custody to secure housing, employment and community connections.

Established by Australia’s largest and most successful social enterprise, The Big Issue, Homes for Homes is an independent, not-for-profit organisation helping to solve one of Australia’s biggest social issues – ending homelessness.

Full media release here

Pictured: Andrew Hannan, CEO CHC Affordable Housing, The Hon Michael Sukkar MP, Gavin Jackman, Homes for Homes, Frances Crimmins, CEO YWCA Canberra, Tracy Longo, Homes for Homes. Photo by Brenton Colley.