For providers: health resources

National Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080

AHURI COVID-19 Resource Hub

Coronavirus info for service providers (NSW Dept of Communities & Justice)

Dept of Health fact sheet on social distancing

DHHS (VIC) Translated resources (posters etc)

NDS: resources including online training courses and state specific resources and alerts

The NDIS commission including an online training module on infection prevention & control for all support workers and those in disability and aged care

General resources from Dept of Health including fact sheets for parents, aged care residents and travellers

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)

Australian Indigenous Health Info Net

Beyond Blue: Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus

Youth: Headspace


 Disability Services Consulting: NDIS Resources (detailed resources for providers and people with a disability) Also free training resources including ‘Supporting people to stay infection free’

the Disease Toolkit for Continuums of Care: Preventing & Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease With Shelters provides useful information on managing infectious diseases in refuge settings

NCOSS recently issued a COVID-19 Community Sector Resource which contains useful information to help plan for business continuity

Pandemic Planning: How Can My Agency Prepare for the Potential Spread of Coronavirus?

Business support:

JobKeeper fact sheet – employers

Job Keeper fact sheet – employees

The ATO has set up a one stop shop on their website for all matters relating to Covid-19.  Emergency Support Infoline: 1800 806 218

Business hotline for small to medium businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Operations at the 13 28 46 Contact Centre will increase from five days per week to seven days per week, and provide additional hours of support outside standard operating hours for the first month, answering calls from 7am to 11pm AEST.

Health information for employers (download fact sheet here)

Key employment legal issues for multinational employers

Coronavirus: implications for employers

Covid-19: Managing the workplace in the face of the outbreak (Victorian Chamber of Commerce)

Economic Response from Treasury (including financial support for small to medium businesses and staff: fact sheet here)

Covid-19 advice and support for businesses

Coronavirus Business Liaison Unit

Fair Trading NSW: consumer & business rights

Fair Work Australia

Advice on event and travel cancellations due to COVID-19 (FED)

Webcast: Coronavirus Planning, Response, and Recovery

WHO Health

The UK’s National Housing Federation has useful resources here

Housing Europe has published an article on what social housing providers (including HAs) are doing to support vulnerable people during the COVID-19 pandemic.