
The Community Housing Industry Association has recognised Julie Collins’ important
achievement in establishing critical new national institutions to tackle the housing crisis, and
also welcomed Clare O’Neil to the portfolio.

“Minister Collins successfully and skillfully guided the establishment of three critically important
national institutions,” said CHIA CEO Wendy Hayhurst.

“Australia is now much better positioned to take action on the systemic issues underlying the
housing crisis. First the establishment of Housing Australia which has overall responsibility for
delivering the Federal government’s social and affordable rental housing programs. Second, the
Housing Australia Future Fund, the returns from which will support the delivery of social and
affordable housing, and third the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council, whose
independent, evidence-based expert advice should strengthen the government’s response.

“These three institutions and the National Housing and Homelessness Plan currently under
development provide strong foundations on which to build, to not only expand the supply of
social and affordable housing but to better balance out the housing system, by ensuring we
have the right homes in the right places, targeted to the people who need them.

“Minister Collins leaves the portfolio with our very warmest wishes. We now look forward to a
strong and co-operative working relationship with Minister O’Neil.”

Full media release here

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