Author Archives: chia_adm

Everybody’s Home: Housing stress takes centre stage in Longman

Media Release

A majority of voters in the seat of Longman believe the federal government has failed to confront the housing rental crisis, with a new opinion poll showing people want greater investment in social and affordable housing, amid skepticism that first home owner grants can fix the problem.

The Everybody’s Home campaign is today releasing the results of a survey of 1025 voters in the swing seat of Longman and separate analysis of wage and rent data in the same electorate.

It shows the surge in rental prices is swallowing an ever larger chunk of the wages of those who’ve had some of the most difficult jobs during the pandemic, in aged care, child care and supermarkets.

Full media release here

Everybody’s Home: Housing stress takes centre stage in Gilmore

Media Release

A majority of voters in the federal seat of Gilmore believe the federal government has failed to confront the housing rental crisis, with a new opinion poll showing people want greater investment in social and affordable housing, amid skepticism that first home owner grants can fix the problem.

The Everybody’s Home campaign is today releasing the results of a survey of 666 Gilmore voters and separate analysis of wage and rent data in the same electorate.

It shows the surge in rental prices is swallowing an ever larger chunk of the wages of those who’ve had some of the most difficult jobs during the pandemic, in aged care, child care and supermarkets.

Full media release here

Manager of Policy and Strategic Engagement (QLD)

Do you want to use your skills to make a real difference? 

This is an exciting opportunity to drive real world outcomes for people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless and the community who passionately supports them.

Queensland Shelter, a Peak Body for solutions to housing need and homelessness in Queensland, is currently recruiting for a Manager of Policy and Strategic Engagement to join our passionate, high-performing team. Reporting to the Executive Director, this role will be based at our Brisbane office in Spring Hill, on the CBD fringe.

This role will drive Q Shelter’s strategic engagement with Government, the private sector, members and key partners. The successful candidate will take responsibility for developing evidence-based policy proposals that represent stakeholder views as well as leading evidence as a basis for influencing policy and investment in solutions. Importantly the role will contribute to actively expanding the diversity of stakeholders and community leaders committed to our vision that every Queenslander has a home.

For further information and a position description, click here

Executive Director, People, Culture & Brand (NSW)

Our client is a leading NFP community housing organisation (Tier 1) located in Sydney’s CBD.

For the first time in this organisation’s history, the People & Culture lead will report to the Chief Executive Officer.  You will lead a team with three direct reports (two in People & Culture and one Marketing and Communications Manager).

For further details and to obtain a recruitment pack, please visit here (via Bloom HR)

Forecasting strong new housing supply: but how many of these will be homes for Australians doing it tough?

CHIA Media Release

The Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) congratulates the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) on its second State of the Nation’s Housing Report. Since the demise of the Housing Supply Council, Australia has lacked the succinct digest of housing data, necessary to inform both government and industry responses to housing need. This report is a great foundation to build upon.

On the upside, the report’s message is, that despite the pandemic, housing supply has held up well, that new dwellings are forecast to grow by more than 550,000 over the next three years, and that this level of supply is roughly consistent with household growth. Equally, housing affordability has generally worsened – both for aspiring homeowners, and also the often overlooked lower income private renters.

Full media release here

NHFIC releases flagship ‘State of the Nation’s Housing 2021–22’ research report

Media Release

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) today released its flagship ‘State of the Nation’s Housing 2021–22’ research report.

First introduced in 2020, the State of the Nation’s Housing is NHFIC’s flagship research report. It provides analysis into housing demand and supply across Australia, as well as long-term projections, with a view to identifying potential drivers of, and challenges to, housing affordability.

Full media release here

State of the Nation’s Housing 2021-22 research report here

CHC: Community Development Manager (ACT)

CHC is the largest independent not-for-profit community housing provider in the ACT. CHC is a member of the Real Estate Institute (ACT) and has over twenty years’ experience in providing quality affordable housing, having self-funded a direct rental subsidy of over $31 million since inception, including $3.1 million in the last financial year. CHC has a development pipeline of over 200 properties and provides a home today to 1300 Canberrans in 466 homes owned and rented at below market rates. We deliver homes for the community in various locations across Canberra and are continuously seeking to grow our impact through increasing our volume of affordable rental properties under management.

CHC is seeking a Community Development Manager in a  full time role.

For further information please see the selection pack.

Havelock Housing (ACT): three exec roles

Havelock Housing has been operating for over 70 years and now provides safe and secure housing to over 450 people from disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in the Canberra area.

They are the largest provider of Disability Housing in the ACT, operating essential 24 hour care packages to enable independent living and housing choices to people living with disability.  Their portfolio of properties includes the heritage listed Havelock House. which is now home to 100 people at any one time, and is of huge cultural importance to the area.

Demand for Havelock’s services is huge, with supply unable to keep up with demand.  The Havelock board has established a growth strategy to address this issue, with organic growth through development and program expansion identified for the coming years.  A leadership team has been designed to match the needs of a growing organisation, with three new roles identified:

Details of these roles and how to apply via Bloom HR can be accessed via the links above.

CHIA Media Release: Build back better with community housing organisations

‘COVID-19: Rental housing and homelessness policy impacts’, the new report published by the UNSW-ACOSS Poverty and Inequality Partnership, demonstrates how much can be achieved with a ‘can do’ attitude. To protect from the pandemic during 2020, over 12,000 people sleeping rough were helped with emergency assistance. This has been followed by a significant step up in state-funded social housing construction, with 7,500 plus new homes planned over each of the next four years – well over double the 2-3,000 per annum that had become the disappointing norm over the past decade.

The Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) congratulates Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania on their pandemic response and its members welcome the opportunity to play a prominent role in delivering the high quality, energy-efficient homes so badly needed by lower income Australians.


Download the full media release here

NHFIC: Social Bond Report 2021

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) has released its Social Bond Report for 202021. NHFIC’s Social Bond Report provides insights into bond issuances, including borrower profiles and use of proceeds.

Highlights include:

  • Issuing 3 bonds – including NHFIC’s first sustainability bond and longest-tenor bond, and first floating rate note – raising a total of $805 million.
  • Supporting more than 4,900 dwellings, with around two-thirds (65 per cent) of the CHP loans funded by the three bonds underpinning new housing supply.
  • Provided 9 community housing providers with an estimated $161 million in fee and interest savings, through longer tenor and lower-interest loans.
  • Continued to attract private investment into social and affordable housing in Australia, by growing NHFIC’s investor base domestically and offshore, with 7 new offshore investors.
  • Meeting the housing needs of a range of cohorts including vulnerable women, indigenous households, and people with disabilities.

Full media release here

Social Bond Report here

CHIA: Sector rejects Mr Falinski’s uninformed and prejudiced comments about social and affordable housing

A coalition of affordable housing advocacy peak bodies has rejected the comments made by Jason Falinski MP, chair of the Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue’s Inquiry into housing affordability and supply in Australia, labelling them as uninformed and prejudiced. CHIA, Homelessness Australia, and National Shelter, object in the strongest terms to Mr Falinski’s misrepresentation of the sector and disregard for the important contribution that affordable housing makes to the wellbeing of Australians in housing need.

Mr Falinski’s statements at UDIA’s National TV event on 9 September denigrating social and affordable housing come in the same week that the Women’s Safety Summit issued a statement recognising that ‘Affordable, accessible long-term housing…… is fundamental to the safety and recovery of victim-survivors and must be a priority.’

Full release here

Expert housing panel: Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees conference

At the AIST (Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees) ASI 2021 conference last week one of many discussions that took place was on a newly developed investment model in affordable housing that aims to overcome some of the traditional barriers to pension fund investing in this asset class and deliver solid returns for members.

Carrie Hamilton, Consultant, Housing Action Network, Wendy Hayhurst, CEO @ CHIA and Associate Professor Christian (Andi) Nygaard, Deputy Director, Centre for Urban Transitions, Swinburne University of Technology as an expert panel provided their insights into this topic. The recording can be heard here.