Author Archives: chia_adm

Evolve Housing: expansion into Victoria

Evolve Housing recently hosted a launch and luncheon for residents in their new Victorian apartments in Ascot Vale.

The exciting event was an opportunity for residents to meet and connect with Evolve Housing staff over a delicious lunch, games and raffles.

Attendees were joined by the Hon. Danny Pearson MP, colleagues from Homes Victoria, service partners and maintenance partners who were equally eager to meet and mingle with Evolve’s new residents.

Evolve’s recent expansion is part of the Victorian Government’s remarkable $5.3 billion Big Housing Build initiative launched to help ease pressure on the housing system. This new initiative saw $104 million dedicated to Ascot Vale, where 80 old walk-ups were replaced by 200 modern one, two, and three-bedroom apartments and five fully accessible to support people living with disabilities.

More info here

CHIA Media release: Budget delivers progress on housing, but more must be done

Australia’s peak community housing industry body has endorsed the Federal budget’s commitment to electrification and energy performance in social housing alongside new incentives for build-to-rent projects, but warned there is still a way to go to tackle the mammoth challenge.

Community Housing Industry Association chief executive officer Wendy Hayhurst said: “Rising rents are hitting household budgets hard. While the federal budget doesn’t tackle the crisis completely, it does pave a path forward to fix it,” Ms Hayhurst said.

Full media release here

Media release: Push to retrofit low-income housing to reduce energy bills

More than 90 Community and business organisations including ACOSS, GetUp, CHIA and the EEC have come together calling for an ambitious energy performance retrofit package for low-income housing in the budget.

The groups have signed an open letter to Assistant Climate and Energy Minister Jenny McAllister, who is driving the government’s important energy performance strategy, highlighting such a package will both address climate change and provide urgently needed cost of living relief.

Full media release here

Media release: CHIA welcomes housing announcements

The Community Housing Industry Association welcomes more lower cost finance for the community housing sector. The Prime Minister on Friday announced the Affordable Housing Bond Aggregator’s liability cap will be expanded by $2 billion after CHIA called for the cap to be raised.

CHIA CEO Wendy Hayhurst said: “This is a welcome and important change that will make the
delivery of social and affordable housing easier.

“We welcome the government’s commitment to getting more social and affordable homes built in Australia.

Full media release here

CHIA Media Release: Report reveals critical need for more affordable homes

Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) is urging federal politicians to prioritise an agreement around the Housing Australia Future Fund and get on with building more social and affordable housing, as a new report highlights a desperate undersupply across the country.

Anglicare’s annual Rental Affordability Snapshot shows there are virtually no affordable rentals for a person relying on income support payments. For the first time, the snapshot shows less than one percent of rentals are affordable for a person working full-time on the minimum wage.

CHIA chief executive officer Wendy Hayhurst said the government’s Housing Australia Future Fund is a good start that needs to be established and then built upon.

Full media release here

NHFIC: State of the Nation’s Housing 2022-23

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) today released its third flagship ‘State of the Nation’s Housing 2022-23’ research report.

The report provides data and analysis into housing demand and supply across Australia, as well as long-term projections, with a view to identifying potential drivers of, and challenges to, housing affordability.

NHFIC CEO Nathan Dal Bon said: “The rapid return of overseas migration together with a supply pipeline constrained by decade-high construction costs and significant increases in interest rates is exacerbating an already tight rental market. NHFIC analysis shows housing affordability and supply are likely to remain challenging for some time, underscoring the need for a holistic approach to mitigate the housing pressures Australians are facing.”

Report here

Full media release here

CHIA Media Release: Housing reform urgent as crisis worsens

An alarming new report demonstrates Australia faces deepening rental and housing stress with a looming shortfall of 106,000 dwellings by 2027, reinforcing the need to finalise a package of housing reforms currently before the Senate.

The State of the Nation’s Housing Report released today by the National Housing Finance and Investment
Corporation also conservatively estimates around 377,600 households are in housing need, comprising 331,000 households in rental stress and 46,500 households experiencing homelessness. According to the report, housing need across the country ranges from 208,200 households in highly acute rental stress to 577,400 households under less acute rental pressure.

Full media release here

CHIA Media Release: Senate urged to pass $10 billion housing fund

The nation’s four peak housing and homelessness advocacy bodies are issuing a joint call for the Senate to pass a package of legislation that will begin tackling the housing crisis.
The joint call from the Community Housing Industry Association, National Shelter, Homelessness Australia and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Association comes as Australia grapples with the worst housing crisis in decades.

Surging rents and rising interest rates are eroding household budgets. Last week’s release of ABS Census data showed a five per cent increase in the number of Australians experiencing homelessness, while UNSW City Futures Research Centre analysts have found 640,000 Australians are in housing stress with the number tipped to hit one million by 2041.

Full media release here

CHIA media release: Lack of progress on homelessness highlights need for housing action

The high number of people experiencing homelessness in Australia highlights the need for urgent action to build more homes, says the Community Housing Industry Association.

ABS data published today shows that 122,494 people were estimated to be experiencing homelessness at the time of the 2021 Census, an increase of 6,067 people (5.2 per cent) since 2016.

The number of men experiencing homelessness increased by 1.6 per cent while the number of women increased by 10.1 per cent. Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of all people experiencing homelessness were aged between 12 and 24 years.

With the homelessness rate remaining stubbornly high, urgent action is needed to improve access to affordable housing.

CHIA has supported the government’s Housing Australia Future Fund but believes more can be done to end rising homelessness for good.

“It is distressing that a nation as wealthy as Australia has so many people living without a place to call home,” said CHIA CEO Wendy Hayhurst. “The stats show that homelessness is disproportionately affecting young people and the sharp increase among women is shocking.

“We are now almost two years since the census and, with the rental market glowing red hot, it is sadly inevitable that the situation will have grown substantially worse

“The Housing Australia Future Fund is a great start that could be made even better by a regular top-up so that it generates a reliable, predictable source of funding for an ongoing social and affordable housing program.

“Because of our charitable status and excellent track record, Community Housing Organisations are well placed to deliver quality new homes at the best value to the taxpayer.”

CHIA research earlier this year found there are 640,000 Australian households whose housing needs are not being met, and this figure is projected to increase to 940,000 by 2041.

Full media release here

Media Release: Measuring the sustainability performance of community housing to drive expansion

A new environmental, social and governance (ESG) standard for the community housing sector will be launched by the Housing Minister, the Hon. Julie Collins today.

The standard will provide a framework for Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to clearly report sustainability factors, helping providers to articulate their broad value and attract private sector investment to expand housing for people on low and modest incomes.

Full media release here

ESG Reporting standard here

L-R Wendy Hayhurst, CEO CHIA, Housing Minister the Hon. Julie Collins MP, Debby Blakey CEO HESTA
Nathan Dal Bon, NHFIC CEO
L-R Housing Minister the Hon. Julie Collins MP, Nathan Dal Bon NHFIC CEO, Wendy Hayhurst, CEO CHIA,
Dr Marcus Spiller, Principal & Partner, SGS Economics and Planning
Karen Orvad, Chair, SGCH
Wendy Hayhurst CHIA CEO addresses guests

Joint Media Release from CHIA, ALGA, National Shelter: Urgent funding needed to address Australia’s housing crisis

Local government and community housing leaders are calling for urgent funding in the upcoming Federal Budget to address Australia’s affordable and social housing crisis.

The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), with support from the Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) and National Shelter, is seeking $100 million per year over four years that would assist councils to facilitate more affordable and social housing across the nation. a

ALGA Vice President Mayor Matt Burnett said Australia’s 537 councils play a key role in facilitating affordable and social housing but could do much more with better funding partnerships.

“As a signatory to the National Housing Accord, ALGA is working collaboratively towards a national response to the worsening housing crisis,” Mayor Burnett said.

“The Government has set an ambitious target of delivering one million new homes from 2024, but this needs to be supported with funding that will enable councils to invest in the physical and social infrastructure necessary for healthy communities.

“Many councils across the country are already investing in innovative affordable housing solutions tailored to the needs of their local communities but more support is needed.

Full media release here

Media Release: New veteran resources for community housing organisations

Community housing organisations will have access to a veteran homelessness toolkit under a partnership between the Community Housing Industry Association and the Australian Government.

The toolkit will help organisations offer tailored support to veterans and their families and set an industry standard for providing housing services to veterans. It will also outline risk factors to veteran homelessness and referral pathways. Recent research found 5.3 per cent of veterans experience homelessness each year, compared to 1.9 per cent of the general population, with half homeless for more than four weeks and a quarter described as chronically homeless.

CHIA CEO Wendy Hayhurst said this initiative is a positive first step to tackling veteran homelessness.
“Improving housing access for veterans is essential because we know from research that more than a third of veterans who experienced homelessness did not know where to go for help,” she said.
“This great initiative will help providers develop a deep understanding of veteran homelessness so they can provide top-rate support to their residents.” Ms Hayhurst said the toolkit is the latest example of how CHOs and government departments are working together to improve outcomes for veterans.

Full media release here

Access the resources for veterans here

Seasons Greetings from CHIA

Seasons Greetings from CHIA

As 2022 ends, CHIA would like to acknowledge the incredible work of its members, alongside their support and government partners, to provide accommodation and services to some of the most vulnerable in the community. 

We also acknowledge the impact that severe weather events have had on many regions and communities, and how this holiday season will not be the same for many Australians still struggling to recover from the effects of flooding. 

Now more than ever the need for safe, secure and affordable housing has never been greater, particularly with the massive shortfalls that we see across the country. With the change in Federal Government earlier this year, CHIA celebrated the return of housing to the national cabinet and it being a priority for the Albanese Government. CHIA commended Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ housing budget and the National Housing Accord as a breakthrough moment for Australia’s housing affordability crisis. We have also recently celebrated the launch of the first Parliamentary Friends of Housing Group, as the pictures above show. CHIA is delighted to participate in and support the work of this group in Parliament. 

In 2023 CHIA will continue to work with all levels of Government to ensure that the sector is at the forefront of delivering more social and affordable housing. 

We wish you all the very best for a safe, enjoyable and restful holiday season. Thank you for your support this year. 

Best wishes,

CHIA will be closed from Friday 23rd December and will reopen on Monday 9th December 2023