Launch CEO Bevan Warner

Author Archives: chia_adm

Launching a new CEO

Launch CEO Bevan Warner

Launch Housing, one of Victoria’s largest providers of housing and homeless support services, has announced that current Managing Director of Victoria Legal Aid, Bevan Warner, will commence as its new Chief Executive Officer on 29 August 2018.

Launch Housing Chair Neil Chatfield says, ‘We are delighted to announce Bevan’s appointment. His wealth of experience working with government and communities to advance human rights in meaningful and practical ways, makes him the ideal leader to continue the transformation and long-term development of Launch Housing.

‘He is an experienced Chief Executive and skilled advocate, who has modernised and improved services for the 90,000 plus clients assisted by the legal assistance sector each year.

‘Homelessness is not a condition that can’t be fixed. It is a problem that can be solved with the right policies and priority attention from government and the wider community. An individual life of dignity and the ability to sustain productive employment, requires all people to have access to safe, secure and affordable housing.’

Mr Warner says, ‘People’s experience of neglect, financial insecurity, trauma and ill health can propel them, often unfairly, into the justice system and sometimes into homelessness. We can do better as a community. I am thrilled to be joining Launch Housing, to continue its transformation and long-term development, and to provide much needed services to people in acute need.

‘Launch Housing is an organisation I have long admired, and I look forward to meeting staff, clients, to learning more, and applying my energies and skills to help achieve its mission of ending homelessness.’

article courtesy of Launch Housing

Short stay accomodation inquiry

The Tasmanian Legislative Council is holding an inquiry into the the short stay accommodation industry in Tasmania.

Shelter Tas is currently consulting with members and will be making a submission.

If your or your organisation would like to make a submission, see the instructions on the Parliament of Tasmania website.

Submissions should be received by no later than close of business on Friday, 10 August 2018.

– courtesy of ShelterTas

PM identifies housing shortage as key issue in NT

During a visit to Tennant Creek, in the Northern Territory, the PM Malcolm Turnbull acknowledged the pressing need for more housing.

‘The lack of housing is the biggest single issue that has been described in every encounter,’ Mr Turnbull stated during the end of the second day of his NT visit.

Whilst the Federal Government announced $550 million funding to support the NT Government’s remote Indigenous Housing Plan back in April, it is yet to make any committments with the South Australia, Western Australia, and Queensland governments in relation to indigenous housing.

Read more here.

WHL awarded Housing Association status

In an exciting development, the Victorian Housing Registrar has approved Women’s Housing Limited’s (WHL) application to become a Housing Association.

WHL’s CEO, Judy Line says the status change from Housing Provider to Housing Association, which has been 18 months in the making, is significant: ‘Becoming a Housing Association presents a wonderful opportunity for WHL and our clients – present and future.

‘As a Housing Association, WHL will have the capacity and resources to be able to provide more specialist housing for women and children.

‘For women in need, it’s about providing housing security and also a pathway out of disadvantage.’

Community Housing Industry Association Victoria Chair Haleh Homaei congratulated WHL on the news.

‘It’s a huge achievement for WHL and it’s great to have a specialist women’s housing provider within the pool of Housing Associations.’

The Registrar of Housing Agencies, Bernard Gastin, approved Women’s Housing Limited’s application for a change in category to a Housing Association under the Housing Act 1983, based on its demonstrated capacity to grow at scale through a strong track record of consistent housing growth in the past and a future growth strategy that will continue this trend.

Whilst Registered Housing Providers vary in size, they primarily manage rental housing portfolios for other parties, such as the Director of Housing (DoH). Whilst some own properties, their growth is small scale compared with housing associations.

‘WHL specialises in the provision of affordable housing for women and children and has grown its asset base of $0.3 million in 2008 (with no owned property) to $54 million by 30 June 2019. Tenancy numbers have grown from 108 to 400. This scale is consistent with Tier 1 housing provider status under the National Regulatory System for Community Housing,’ Mr Gastin says.

‘WHL has also established a pipeline of projects, including a new development in Bayswater and partnership with major developers such as Lendlease. These projects will continue to increase the supply of affordable housing by approximately 60 units by 2025-26. The growth is achieved through WHL’s own capital investment as well as leveraging generous developer land contributions and without relying solely on government funding.’

The broader Housing Registrar team also congratulated WHL on achieving this important milestone.

‘We will continue to work closely with WHL to ensure the regulatory requirements of a Housing Association are met.’

WHL joins the other nine Registered Housing Associations in Victoria: Aboriginal Housing Victoria Limited, Common Equity Housing Limited, Community Housing (Vic) Limited, Housing Choices Australia Limited, HousingFirst Limited, Haven; Home, Safe Limited, Beyond Housing Limited, Unison Housing Limited and Wintringham Housing Limited. There are 30 Registered Housing Providers in Victoria.


New COO for Haven

Haven; Home, Safe COO

Haven; Home, Safe has promoted Trudi Ray to the newly created position of Chief Operations Officer (COO) as part of a restructure of Victoria’s only fully integrated homelessness services and affordable housing providers.

Prior to being appointed COO, Ms Ray was the Executive Director for Operations in the southern region of Victoria for two years after serving as Executive Director Corporate Services from 2010 to 2016.

HHS Chief Executive Officer Ken Marchingo AM said last week the appointment followed the recent departure of Executive Director for Operations (North) Niall Hensey after nine years’ service.

‘This created an opportunity to deliver a different structure that more closely supports the strategy of the Board and the organisational requirements into the future,’ Mr Marchingo said.

‘Trudi has worked closely with me for over 14 years and is an outstanding and valued member of the Executive Management Team.

‘I look forward to working with her and the Executive as we drive the next stage in the organisation’s evolution and growth.’

Ms Ray said she was excited about the opportunity to work with the General Managers and staff to turn HHS’s strategy into operational and financial success.

‘With single IT housing systems and the development of a new CRM, we are in the process of being fully data-driven where the business can be guided by real-time data,’ Ms Ray said.

‘Operations across the organisation are complex and diverse and we have a genuinely talented and committed team who daily work towards preventing homelessness and giving people a place to call home.

‘The Board has set a great strategy and with my fellow executive we will continue to keep our strategy front and centre, ensuring we build towards more homes, more supports, more partnerships and more capacity,’ she said.

Ms Ray said that while there had been significant investment and commitments made in recent times, Victoria’s overall social housing stock was on the decline when measured as a proportion of all housing.

‘Wherever you look, in metropolitan Melbourne or in regional and rural Victoria, there is a chronic shortage of affordable and available rental housing which has significant social and economic costs not just to the individuals and families but also communities,’ she said.

HHS as always will continue to work with the sector and all levels of government to advocate for the housing and support needed.

Ms Ray will maintain offices in Preston and Geelong and conduct regular staff and stakeholder meetings in the Loddon and Mallee offices in Bendigo and Mildura.

The restructure will include the creation of two Executive General Manager positions to oversee day-to-day operations in the south and north of the state reporting to the new COO.


Trudi Ray has been responsible for growing and managing Haven; Home, Safe’s support services and housing portfolio across the northern and eastern suburbs of Melbourne in addition to expanding HHS’s footprint in the Barwon South West Region since 2016 in her former role of Executive Director Operations (South).

Over the past two years, HHS has secured more homes and supports for women and families fleeing family violence and those that are homeless working in concert with many support partners also delivering on a 17-unit development in the centre of Geelong.

Trudi’s strong work ethic and diverse management and leadership skills developed over the past 14 years has stood her in good stead as she takes up the Chief Operations Officer role.

Trudi has worked out of both our Geelong and Preston offices and prior to relocating to Geelong in 2015, Trudi was HHS Executive Director Corporate Services responsible for the agency’s Human Resources, IT, Risk Management, OH&S and communications programs

In November 2016 Trudi was elected to the Board of the Community Housing Federation Victoria (now CHIA Vic) and believes in advocating strongly for those most vulnerable in our community, those that are homeless, fleeing family violence or those in housing crisis.

Trudi understands the complexities of vulnerable communities and her passion for social justice and strong community spirit extends beyond the workplace having been the youngest women to be elected a local government councillor in Regional Australia in 2004.

She is a Justice of the Peace, Interim Chair Victorian Branch of Australasian Housing Institute of Australia, a member of the Manningham Council Healthy City Advisory Committee, and has been invited to participate on the Hume Moreland Housing Action Group and Intervening early to prevent homelessness working group with DHHS.

Trudi has received certification two years running into the AHI certified housing professional Level 3, one of only seven housing professionals in Victoria to do so.

Ranked in the top 15 per cent of all La Trobe University graduates in 2013, Trudi is now mentoring other MBA students through the La Trobe Alumni.

-article courtesy of Haven; Home, Safe

Common Ground Qld on new Housing Supply Panel

CHIA QLD member Common Ground’s CEO Sonya Keep is one of nine housing experts appointed to the Queensland Government’s panel for a two-year period to provide independent advice on how to measure, report on and address land supply, development and housing affordability issues in south east Queensland.

CHIA Executive Director Peta Winzar says the appointment of a highly-experienced community housing expert to the panel boded well for the industry.

‘It’s fantastic that the key role community housing can play in tackling housing affordability issues has been recognised by Sonya’s appointment,’ Ms Winzar says. ‘The Queensland Government is to be commended in taking this proactive approach to the housing supply issue.’

It is anticipated South East Queensland will house an additional two million people by 2041, and State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Minister Cameron Dick has been quoted as saying about 794,000 new dwellings will need to be delivered over that time.

‘It’s important that we manage growth efficiently, while keeping a close eye on housing affordability,’ Mr Dick says.

‘The panel will provide independent advice to the government on how to manage housing supply and affordability issues in South East Queensland.’

Mr Dick said the panel consists of high calibre professionals from across the property, planning, economics and demography disciplines.

‘The nine panel members were chosen from a range of fields related to various aspects of housing supply,’ he says.

‘Each member brings a different set of skills and expertise which will ensure the best possible advice is provided to the Queensland Government on land supply and development matters.

‘The panel will also provide expert oversight to the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning’s annual land supply and development monitoring reports, the first of which is expected to be released at the end of 2018.’

Sonya has more than 18 years’ experience in community housing and social planning and is dedicated to seeing an increase in the supply of affordable and supportive housing for those who are vulnerable or at risk of experiencing homelessness.

Other panel members include the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute’s Executive Director Dr Michael Fotheringham, and SGS Economics and Planning’s Dr Marcus Spiller, along with other experts from planning, property development and demographic forecasting.

Survey on Commonwealth land release

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has begun community consultations on the future use of the Commonwealth Government’s Defence Site in Maribrynong, in Melbourne’s inner western suburbs.

The Commonwealth has identified the 127.8 hectare site as surplus land that could be redeveloped for much needed housing, with Assistant Minister to the Federal Treasurer, Michael Sukkar MP, specifically mentioning the site’s potential for social and affordable housing during his presentation to CHIA members at a member-only briefing held last year.

The VPA is working with Maribyrnong City Council and state agencies to develop a structure plan for the site.

Click here for details on a survey being run by the VPA regarding the site, and other planned community consultations.

Happy new NHHA?

Four jurisdictions have now signed up to the new National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) but, despite its early promise, there’s barely a mention of community housing in the four bilaterals so far finalised.

The six national housing priorities of the NHHA are social housing, community housing, affordable housing, tenancy reform, supporting home ownership and reform of the planning system.

Specific mention is made in the priorities of community housing strategies that improve the viability and encourage growth of the sector (may include redevelopment and stock transfers). However, there it stops; the four bilateral agreements released to date contain little to support the viability or growth of community housing.

Jurisdictions must produce a housing strategy that indicates the level of housing supply needed to respond to projected demand, outlines the reforms and initiatives that will contribute to meeting this need, includes planned or expected levels of social housing, and set out how the State will contribute to the housing priority policy areas. (Clause 17(a) of the NHHA). Most states and territories are reported to be working on new strategies, with varying levels of consultation.

Jurisdictions will report annually, with public reporting by 31 October of the following year.

While we encourage you to read the agreement in full, here’s what caught our eye:

South Australia
South Australia promises to have a new housing strategy and a new homelessness strategy in place and publicly available by July 1, 2019.
It aims for an adequate supply of land to meet long-term demand and a 30-year plan for Greater Adelaide to deliver a compact urban reform.

Improving the liveability of social housing stock is included, but only via a commitment that 75 per cent of new stock built by the SA Housing Trust will meet Universal Design criteria.

The development and efficiency of CHPs will be supported through finalising the transfer of 5,000 properties, with contractual requirements ‘that support the upgrade and renewal of CHP managed houses’.

Three reviews of current housing pathways/programs are mentioned, including:
• develop contemporary service responses for young people leaving care, with a new protocol between the Department for Child Protection and Housing SA to support young people into independent housing, in 2018.
• new supportive housing for people who have experienced chronic homelessness will be implemented by 2020
• the existing aged housing program (no timeframe).

The bilateral acknowledges the importance of community housing – over 40 per cent of social housing is managed by community housing providers in Tasmania. However, there are no measures in the bilateral targeted at community housing and only two measures specifically for social housing – a commitment to 15 new (hopefully extra) social housing dwellings a year, and $13.6m to upgrade 1,050 public housing dwellings.

The bilateral does provide for 10 rapid rehousing homes a year for people exiting institutions (from 30 June 2019), to avoid exits into homelessness.

The Tassie Government has an aim to keep home ownership at least 5 per cent above the national average, and will maintain its First Home owner grant program and review what government land could be re-purposed to housing.

The Tasmanian Government will continue to produce quarterly reports on progress against the state’s affordable housing action plan.

According to the bilateral agreement, the ACT has the most targeted public housing portfolio in Australia with housing allocated to those in greatest need. There are 22,000 people in public housing (it omits to mention the further 1,500 in community housing).

The bilateral promises a new ACT Housing Strategy in 2018. It will address legislative requirements and the requirements of clause 17 (a) of the primary housing
Agreement, covering ‘the full housing spectrum, from homelessness, through public
housing and affordable rental and home purchase opportunities’. Sadly, however, no mention of community housing.

The agreement does promise that the ACT will set and publish annual targets for public, community and affordable housing as part of the Indicative Land Release Program.

The existing ACT social housing model will be reviewed ‘to improve viability, identify and develop initiatives to achieve efficiencies and improve stock utilisation’. This is the closest the bilateral agreement comes to addressing community housing.

Like SA, the ACT undertakes to construct public housing dwellings that are built to national liveable design standards, but is silent about any retrofitting of existing social housing stock to meet the standards.

Northern Territory
The Northern Territory bilateral describes its ‘public housing portfolio’ as including community housing.

However the NT is to be congratulated for specifically including measures to develop and implement an urban Community Housing Strategy that identifies ways to support the growth of the NT CHP sector and inform the transfer of 750 urban public dwellings to the sector, as well as construct community housing dwellings in urban centres (by 2023).

The NT will have a new housing strategy in place and publicly available by September 30, 2019.

A review of rent setting models in urban and remote areas will be undertaken by December 2019.

The NT will also consult senior Territorians and those approaching retirement about aged care housing (to identify demand) and provide findings to the private sector to help identify potential opportunities for future private sector development of seniors-appropriate accommodation.

Planning reforms include allowing more scope for providing affordable housing products through
the incorporation of a flexible approach to zoning, including through the use of Specific Use Zones in the NT Planning Scheme, and facilitating land release in remote Aboriginal communities by extending the exemption under the Planning Act (Regulation 3A), which removes the need for subdivision approval for development associated with the $1.1 billion remote housing program.

Investors keen on Build to Rent

Institutional investors are extremely interested in Build to Rent (BTR) as a new investment class, a forum of community housing, local government, financiers and Development Victoria heard this week.

Alexandra Notay, from Places for People Capital UK, outlined the UK’s experience in developing Build to Rent as a new investment class that has interested funders keen to tap into a low, long-term and stable cashflow that will hedge against inflationary pressures and diversify their portfolios.

Large BTR investors in the UK include Australian super funds, she says.

Places for People has a social agenda to provide appropriate, well-located housing for disadvantaged tenants. It has diversified its housing activities to include a range of for-profit business arms, including a chain of gyms, with profits being funnelled back into affordable housing. BTR is a key part of its business model, with the organisation developing several large-scale, mixed tenure projects.

Like Australia, the UK has experienced a huge increase in house prices that has ensured many will rent for life, Ms Notay says, and BTR can offer those people secure, quality and affordable tenancies.

‘Whatever stage in life people are at, we want to be able to support them,’ Ms Notay says.

Build to rent product is fundamentally different to properties that are built to sell, she says. It involves a change of mindset with design implications for large scale developments that are never intended to be broken up to be sold individually and a need to consider the life-cycle of the build.

They also need to factor in other social aspects of housing, such as hedging against the rise of loneliness and depression.

Mike Myers from the National Affordable Housing Consortium, says that institutional investors in Australia are still wary of the fledgling BTR market here and are more likely to invest overseas. However, Mr Myers says the Federal Government’s National Rental Affordable Scheme was a great model that could be tweaked for the private sector to use for BTR, if the government was willing to support it.

CHIA CEO Peta Winzar says if the NHFIC’s $1b infrastructure fund could be used to fund BTR, ‘that would be a game changer’.

Ms Notay’s presentation was made possible by the NAHC, the Affordable Housing Industry Advisory Group and the Community Housing Industry Association of Australia (CHIA).

Key issues facing SDA Framework

Whilst backing the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), CHIA and the State Peaks have identified a series of crucial issues facing the NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Framework, which aims to deliver the preferred housing for people living with a disability.

The community housing peaks outlined their concerns in a submission to the Department of Social Services (DSS) commissioned review of the framework, setting out three key concerns: vacancy, financing and management risks.

The NDIS will fund services to an estimated 460,000 people who have a permanent disability that significantly affects their communication, mobility, self-care or self-management. Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is the NDIS funding for allocated housing (not support) to eligible NDIS participants with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs – typically those who require overnight support.

SDA will be available to about six per cent of NDIS participants.

The Joint Peaks submission also outlined members’ capacity and potential to play a central role in developing and managing SDA to meet the intent of the NDIS.

Click here to download the submission.

Investment Mandate limit now $1b

In a new breakthrough, the Investment Mandate (IM) through which the Federal government will guide the activities of the National Housing Finance Investment Corporation (NHFIC) confirms that the NHFIC will be able to borrow up to $1 billion of Commonwealth funds to create a reserve pool from which it can lend to registered CHPs.

This ‘warehouse facility’ will provide bridging financing to CHPs until there are enough loans to warrant a bond issuance. While the final pricing of loans has not yet been revealed, this new development means that the NHFIC will be able to offer even cheaper finance than first thought, because it can source money through Commonwealth borrowing facilities, rather than just issuing bonds into the capital markets.

Accessing Commonwealth money up front also means that the NHFIC can process applications from CHPs for finance before it raises funds via a bond issuance. Over time, the NHFIC expects to be able to offer a range of different lending products as well. All of this is great news for CHPs and we look forward to seeing more details over the next few months.

There are a couple of other things worth noting. The Bond Aggregator has two aims – to provide cheaper finance to CHPs and to build institutional investor interest in a new asset class of affordable housing.

Over the longer term, the Bond Aggregator needs to be able to support itself. To meet all these objectives, the NHFIC will issue bonds to raise funds to repay the money that the Commonwealth initially tips into the NHFIC reserve pool and to raise more money for future CHP borrowing.

The IM is now published on the Federal Register of Legislation (search ‘investment mandate’).


Meet your Board Members: Garry Ellender

Meet your Board Members: Garry Ellender

Seeing the impact of homelessness on young people in London in the 1980s had a major impact on CHIA’s WA Region Director and CEO of Access Housing, Garry Ellender.

Garry worked at a youth refuge and, later, with parolees coming out of prison and people on probation orders who had urgent accommodation needs.

‘It gave me a real interest in housing and an appreciation of the emerging Housing Associations sector in the UK,’ Garry says.

Those experiences and his social research background enabled him to gain a research position for an inner city welfare committee back in West Australia that wanted to find solutions to rising homelessness in inner city Perth.

‘It was one of the impacts of the America’s Cup; a lot of the traditional lodging houses had converted to backpackers,’ Garry says.

‘The expectation was that I would recommend the expansion of men’s shelters and the homelessness sector but, instead, I recommended establishing a housing association, based on models in the UK.’

The WA Government backed the call, and provided seed funding to establish the Perth Inner City Housing Association (PICHA) in 1988, with Garry appointed as CEO.

‘We built a housing company based in inner city Northbridge, and took over three large privately-owned boarding houses that were in appalling condition,’ Garry says.

‘We were just trying to prevent them from closing. We were successful in getting  government funding for major upgrade works then began looking at alternatives to boarding houses and did a number of joint ventures to develop inner city apartments.’

Garry left that role in 1993, having built what was, at that time, WA’s largest community housing organisation, with nearly 300 homes under management.

He was then contracted to establish a Tenant Participation Program within the Department of Housing before beginning work for the Department, including as a member of the executive strategy team that created a new Community Housing capacity building and growth plan, including asset and management transfers.

‘There was recognition that the standard public housing system models were under serious financial stress,’ Garry says.

‘Through the strategy we obtained a $420 million capital injection into social housing, of which $220 million was earmarked specifically for CH capital programs…the aftermath of the GFC gave us a further boost to enable substantial sector growth, with the nation building capital allocation to WA of $620 million.’

In 2010, Garry jumped ship and became CEO of Access Housing Australia (AHA). AHA put in an innovative bid in July 2010 to secure nation building asset transfers and won major tranches of 249 title transfers and  negotiated a further 300 title transfers through a state program, as well as 500 management lease transfers.

Since 2010, Access has grown from about 700 dwellings to 2,100, with turnover up from about $7.5m to $35m in the current financial year. Net assets have increased from $6m to 165m.

Looking ahead, Garry says that the community housing sector in WA is facing real challenges.

‘From 2013 onwards, pretty much all the community housing programs have been shut down by the Housing Authority and there has been virtually no growth apart from a small amount in the disability area with one-off funding and the new supply being driven by Access Housing and a couple of other CHPs.’

Unlike the Eastern states, the real estate market in West Australia has crashed over the past couple of years with people who would traditionally have been housed in community housing now able to afford private rental.

‘Whilst this has temporally improved housing affordability, there remain significant demand pressures for social housing, particularly for people with high or complex needs.’

Garry is hopeful that CHIA’s productive relationship with the Labor State Government’s new Housing Minister, Peter Tinley, will encourage a greater focus on a broad and expanding role for the community housing sector.

‘We need a genuine government commitment to co-designing, with the sector, a genuine Community Housing Growth Strategy as a critical component of the State’s Affordable Housing Strategy. This is front and centre of CHIA WA’s political advocacy agenda.’

New NHFIC Chair seeks shovel ready projects

Last week CHIA participated in an immersive day of briefing for the new National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) Chair, Brendan Crotty.  In a wide-ranging conversation, Peta Winzar and Nicola Lemon (Powerhousing) filled the Chair in on the evolution of the community housing industry, its structure, property development record and its hopes for the NHFIC.

The basis for the discussion on industry capability was CHIA NSW’s insightful survey on the community housing industry’s property development record in that state, and its pipeline of planned developments over the next three years.

In response, Mr Crotty has asked for advice on what ‘shovel-ready projects might come before the NHFIC in the near future’.

Mr Crotty is also alive to the challenges of housing affordability outside our capital cities, and the challenges of construction costs in the north of Australia.

A significant part of the conversation revolved around the risks faced by community housing operators, and how these are managed.  Issues raised included the impact of uncertain/fluid government policy settings on the capacity of CHPs to plan for the future, and the difference a national housing strategy would make.

Establishing a solid pipeline of property development would enable CHPs to recruit – and keep – skilled staff and board members. While tight financial margins are a fact of life in the community housing industry, cash flows are high reliable and hedged against inflation. The extremely low levels of rental arrears are supported by Centrepay (which delivers over 90 per cent of CHPs rental income via direct deductions).

CHPs undertaking property development face similar risks to other developers but build-to-rent is a much lower risk prospect than build-to-sell products in the current housing market. It was pointed out that a number of CHPs are managing the financial risks around reliance on government contracts by diversifying into other business lines such as property management or body corporate services, or by operating across jurisdictions in different housing markets.

CHIA outlined some of its analysis of the board profiles of the 50 largest CHPs, which illustrate how CHPs have moved to recruit skills-based boards in response to the opportunities presented by NRAS and the Social housing Stimulus (over 40 per cent are graduates of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, for example).

One question that we were unable to answer is what the likely demand for Bond Aggregator loans will be from CHPs, since this depends so much on the price, the tenor and the conditions, applied. However, we do know that the 50 largest CHPs hold just under $1 billion in debt and assets of around $76 billion, which suggests that if the price is right then the demand to re-finance will be there!

You can search for the NHFIC Investment Mandate on the Federal Register of legislation.

The NHFIC website is up, but at the moment holds only press releases from the Treasurer and Minister Sukkar. We are promised a phone number soon.




Affordable development meets community need

Residents Graham and Robyn

Churches of Christ in Queensland have officially opened a $10.6 million, 50 townhouse affordable living development in Kallangur, Queensland.

The townhouses were built on land gifted by local philanthropists Ian and Neva Handy, and now house 91 residents.

Churches of Christ in Queensland Chief Executive Officer Dr Paul Scully says the residents are enjoying a sense of community and the high quality accommodation.

‘There are many challenges facing affordable housing developers, one of which is finding appropriate and reasonably priced land. Thanks to the generous donation of land by the Handy family we have delivered a positive social outcome for the Kallangur community,’ Dr Scully says.

The Moreton Bay couple who donated the 9,000 square metre site were involved throughout the project, including working on the townhouse design and landscaping.

‘We partnered with Churches of Christ in Queensland as they are highly regarded for their affordable housing programs,’ Mr Handy said.

Mr Handy said that by donating the land, it enabled a reduction in the overall project costs, which then allowed the not-for-profit to provide affordable housing for reduced rent.

‘We are very supportive of their program to supply affordable housing to those in need, and are very pleased with the newly completed development.’

The building project created local employment and has enabled many of the residents to move from inappropriate living situations to a new home where they can experience independence, security, safety and comfort.

Meryl was one of the first people to express interest in securing a townhouse and moved from her one-bedroom unit in Mango Hill to a two-bedroom townhouse.

‘My friend had found out about them at her local church and let me know,’ Meryl said. ‘I am very happy here.’

Since moving into the townhouses, Aidan, 34, has found independence for the first time. Living with Cerebral Palsy means he requires a home that is accessible and is easy to navigate.

‘I reached a point where I felt it was definitely time I found a place of my own,’ Aidan says.

‘I like that I can learn new skills and start to grow up. The townhouse is the perfect size, and easy to keep clean and take care of.

‘Finding my own place was at the top of my list,’ he said. ‘Now I can look at setting some new goals.’

The townhouses are providing vital housing for lower income earners, key workers, individuals and families, who struggle to afford rents in the private market.

Churches of Christ General Manager Frances Paterson-Fleider, ‘Our vision is to empower communities through high-quality housing solutions and enhance people’s lives by providing safe, secure and affordable homes that people want to live in.’

‘As a nation we are faced with the issue of providing enough affordable housing in a market that is consistently decreasing in affordability, particularly around our major cities.

‘This development fills a vital gap between social housing and the soaring cost of the private rental market.’

Property fund gives more Housing Choices

Housing Choices Australia will build 24 new homes for low income and vulnerable people in Dandenong and Newport after being awarded $4.9 million from the Victorian Property Fund (VPF).

The VPF distributes grants to support a range of property-related programs, including housing assistance for vulnerable Victorians. Housing Choices is using the grant to rebuild and expand vital housing options at two owned properties; one in Hemmings Street, Dandenong and the other in Oxford Street, Newport.

The Hemmings Street, Dandenong property will be transformed into a five-story, architect-designed apartment building, increasing the accommodation from 7 run-down flats, to 19 apartments, located close to shops, schools and public transport.

The Oxford Street, Newport property will see the construction of five new architect-designed townhouses in a leafy residential street in family-friendly Newport.

Construction will start late 2018 and be ready for tenants in mid-2019.

The Victorian Property Fund is administered by Consumer Affairs Victoria, with funds from license fees paid by estate agents and conveyancers and interest paid on their trust accounts and income from other investments.

Consumer Affairs Minister Marlene Kairouz toured the Dandenong site with Housing Choices Board Member Fabienne Michaux to announce the $4.9 million grant.

‘Affordable housing projects give vulnerable Victorians the security they need to thrive. We’re investing in more of these dwellings, so that people going through hard times can rebuild their lives,’ Minister Kairouz said.

Housing Choices Managing Director Michael Lennon commended Minister Kairouz and the Victorian Property Fund for their commitment to supporting housing initiatives for Victorians in need and for their confidence in Housing Choices as the developer and manager of high-quality, affordable housing.

‘We have already worked closely with all the people who resided at our two properties, who have been actively and professionally supported by our experienced and compassionate Housing Services Team to find the right accommodation while this building program takes place. All Dandenong tenants will be afforded the opportunity to return to the newly built dwellings once they’re finished if they wish,’ Mr Lennon said.