Author Archives: chia_adm

$61m public housing investment welcomed, but at what opportunity cost for thousands still waiting for a home?

ACT Shelter, ACTCOSS and the Community Housing Industry Association (ACT Region) collectively welcome the Homelessness Week Housing Stimulus announced by the Chief Minister today but question the opportunity cost, and warn that without substantial and sustained ongoing investment social and affordable housing there will be fewer housing options available for Canberrans most in need when the Housing Strategy expires in 2028.

“Investment in social housing infrastructure, such as public housing, is a win-win. Secure homes for people with disabilities and secure jobs for construction workers are a great social return on investment. The addition of 60 new class C homes will provide vital accessible and affordable housing options with security of tenure to support people with disabilities to exercise more choice and control over housing decisions. Infrastructure upgrades to extend the asset life of multiunit complexes will support hundreds of Canberrans to stay safely housed…” ACTCOSS Director, Emma Campbell said today.

Full media release here


How did the COVID-19 crisis affect your organisation in July?

CHIA’s second survey to understand the trends and emerging issues for the community housing industry as it responds to the COVID-19 crisis is now open.

The survey focuses on your organisation’s experience of the COVID-19 crisis during July 2020. It is open to any community housing organisation, regardless of whether your organisation participated in the first survey held in June 2020.

The survey takes about twenty minutes to complete and your responses will inform the national industry picture and CHIA’s advocacy priorities. We are already using the results from the first survey and there is keen interest in how the sector and its tenants are faring as well as what learnings can contribute to future policy and practice design.

The survey is designed to be completed once for your whole organisation/ group of companies by a Senior Executive. The questions cover a range of topics including financial effects of COVID-19, your organisation’s asset, housing, customer service and human resources management responses, and effects on tenant incomes and housing demand.

CHIA has engaged an independent contractor to conduct the surveys. Your answers are completely confidential.

Take the survey now!

Or cut and paste this link into your browser:

New heat maps show homelessness and social housing are Australia-wide problems

To launch Homelessness Week 2020, national homelessness peak Homelessness Australia and national housing and homelessness campaign Everybody’s Home have released interactive heatmaps that show how wide-spread homelessness is and how drastically Australia needs more social housing. The data shows that homelessness and shortfalls in social housing are problems in every electorate in Australia, with electorates from rural Northern Territory, inner-city Sydney, the inner suburbs of Melbourne and Far North Queensland all amongst the worst affected. According to the data, Australia has a social housing shortfall of about 433,000 properties and around 116,000 people are homeless on any given night. The data is available from this link.

The As part of Homelessness Week, Homelessness Australia and Everybody’s Home are calling on all federal MPs to sign a social housing pledge committing to investment in social housing to help end homelessness, and also deliver urgently needed jobs.

Full media release here

New initiative between CHIA and DVA strengthens housing support for veterans

Improving understanding of veteran homelessness among housing providers will be the focus of a new set of industry standards, training materials and a toolkit being developed by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and CHIA.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester said any instance of veteran homelessness was
concerning and this initiative will strengthen the relationship between housing providers, DVA, ex service organisations (ESOs) and Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling.
“Where DVA is made aware of a veteran who is homeless or at risk of homelessness, all of these
organisations work together to ensure they are appropriately looked after, and this joint initiative between DVA and CHIA will raise further awareness of veterans’ unique risk factors,” Mr Chester said.

“Partnering with CHIA on this work is vital as it represents all community housing providers across Australia, managing more than 100,000 rental properties, which will allow us to connect with veteran communities in all states and territories.
“The Australian Government is committed to better understanding homelessness among veterans and will continue to support initiatives, such as this one, so that we are delivering quality services to those who may be struggling post-service.”

Read the full media release here

Rough sleepers in NSW Mid-North Coast get a new lease of life

A landmark $36.1 million investment by the NSW government to combat chronic homelessness will enable community housing providers to launch life-changing programs for rough sleepers across the state.

Australia’s largest not-for-profit community housing provider Community Housing Ltd (CHL), which is a primary social and affordable housing provider in the Mid-North Coast, has received over $1.6 million in funding which will help transition 24 rough sleepers into long-term affordable housing in areas including Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey and Nambucca Heads.

Announced as part of the Together Home project, funding will support people who have been homeless specially during current times, to transition them into stable and secure accommodation.

Full media release here

Access Housing Australia Ltd and Housing Choices Australia Ltd join forces

Western Australian-based Access Housing Australia Ltd and Housing Choices Australia Ltd (VIC, TAS, SA and NSW) are excited to announce they have joined forces and merged to become one of Australia’s largest Community Housing Providers.

Following an extensive due diligence period, both companies are pleased to now formally announce the merger, effective as of Wednesday 1 July 2020.

With Access Housing joining the Housing Choices Australia Group of Companies, the merged entity is now responsible for the management of nearly 7,000 social and affordable homes across Australia, with assets valued in excess of $900 million and with annual revenue of nearly $70 million.

The full media release is here, and also FAQs for more information.

National summit: Energy efficiency and Australia’s economic recovery

CHIA is pleased to be a supporting partner for this event. This national summit will take place online and registration is free here.

Event details:

The world has experienced a public health emergency that has brought with it acute economic impacts. As Australia responds to the economic crisis, we aim to recover on a path to building a better future.

There is a growing consensus in Australia and around the world that energy efficiency has a crucial role in economic recovery and providing long-term social, economic and environmental benefits. Energy efficiency projects in homes and businesses are shovel ready, labour intensive, improve productivity and lower energy bills and carbon emissions.

The multiple benefits of energy efficiency are huge, but realising them requires rapid and decisive action. Which is why the Australian Council of Social ServicesAustralian Industry GroupEnergy Efficiency Council, and the Property Council of Australia have joined forces to host a National Summit on Wednesday 1 July 2020, Energy efficiency and Australia’s economic recovery.

We have timed the event to take place following the launch of the final report from the International Energy Agency’s Global Commission for Urgent Action on Energy Efficiency.

This Commission of global leaders from business and government has been considering how to drive increased action on energy efficiency. We are delighted that Michael Liebreich will join us to explain its findings. Mr. Liebreich is a member of the Commission and founder of New Energy Finance, which was purchased by Bloomberg LP in 2009. Michael is a leading global expert on clean energy and transportation, smart infrastructure, technology, climate finance and sustainable development.

Energy efficiency and Australia’s economic recovery will also bring together leaders from politics, business, the community sector and beyond to discuss how we can act to put energy efficiency at the heart of Australia’s economic recovery. In addition to Michael Liebreich, confirmed speakers include:

NHFIC finalises largest social bond from an Australian Issuer

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) has finalised the largest social bond – at $562 million – by an Australian issuer.

The funds raised from the NHFIC bond will support ten community housing providers (CHPs) across NSW, SA, Tasmania and Victoria, financing 2,736 properties including 775 new dwellings.
The third NHFIC bond will pass on the benefits of strong investor demand by providing a fixed rate of 2.06 per cent for 12-year interest only loans to the CHPs, which provide subsidised housing.
In total, the bond is anticipated to save the participating CHPs more than $80m in interest payments over next 12 years.
The first loan to a Tasmanian CHP forms part of the latest bond, with Housing Choices Tasmania to use the funding for 192 existing and new social and affordable homes.

Full media release here

CHIA joins the call for a smart housing installation boom (National Low Income Energy Productivity Program)

Over 50 social, property, business, environment, local councils and research groups have banded together to call on Federal and State Governments to stimulate the economy with an energy efficient and solar, low-income housing installation boom.

Doing so would create tens of thousands of shovel ready jobs, cut energy bills for people on low incomes who will spend back into the economy, and reduce carbon emissions.

The call comes after the Federal Government’s Housing stimulus proposal failed to include measures for people most in need, instead focusing on high income earners undertaking expensive renovation without any related social or environmental benefits.

For the full media release, click here

For the The National Low Income Energy Productivity Program (NLEPP) proposal, click here

Housing, the economy & productivity- online talk (updated with slides)

CHIA, National Shelter & Homelessness Australia will present an online talk next Weds 17 June at 1pm. This will explore the recent work on SHARP, including the recent SGS modelling, as well as the work of the Housing & Productivity Consortium. Presenters include Terry Rawnsley (SGS Economics & Planning), Prof Bill Randolph (CityFutures) and special guest Prof Duncan McLennan (University of Glasgow)

Click here for more information and to register.


We would like to thank all presenters and slides from this session can be accessed here:

What is SHARP?

– Why invest in Social Housing as a Recovery Stimulus Package – Modelling the Economic and Job Outcomes

Changing the housing narrative – the HPRC and its planned program

-The Housing & Productivity Research Consortium – The first project

The Zoom recording is here and the password is 3q!u7?F.

CHIA: Covid-19 surveys

CHIA has launched monthly surveys to understand the trends and emerging issues for the community housing industry as it responds to the COVID-19 crisis.

The first of the monthly surveys is now open until midnight on Friday, 12 June. The survey was piloted with several organisations both large and small before release. Responses will inform the national industry picture and CHIA’s advocacy priorities.

The survey is designed to be completed once for the whole organisation/ group of companies by a senior executive. CHIA has emailed details to CEOs.

MEDIA RELEASE: Building the Recovery

Building the Recovery: investment in social housing will create thousands of jobs and improve social outcomes

New modelling released today by the Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) and National Shelter demonstrates how investing in a four-year social house building program of 30,000 homes will create on average up to 18,000 full-time equivalent jobs each year.

Wendy Hayhurst, CEO at CHIA said, “The Social Housing Acceleration and Renovation Program (SHARP) will not just deliver great quality homes to those in need but also secure great jobs for thousands of Australians. SHARP’s main benefit will fall where the job losses have been greatest in Sydney and Melbourne but will also create jobs all over Australia in regions and towns.

“With the period 2021-22 earmarked as an anticipated economic weak point, SHARP will create up to 24,500 jobs both on-site and in the wider building services industry. The Federal Government has stated that we have to maintain a laser-like focus on jobs to get Australia moving and this new modelling shows that SHARP does just that,” says Ms Hayhurst.

To read the full media release click here

For the full report click here

Update: 27/05/2020


  • PM Morrison speech seeks Accord-style outcomes from unions, business.
    • five key areas – award simplification, enterprise agreements, casuals and fixed term employees, compliance and enforcement, and greenfields agreements
    • five ‘working groups’ of unions, employers and select others (rural, multicultural, women, families) will have until September to come with ideas
  • The ACTU said they will approach process in good faith with two conditions:
    • ‘will any proposal make jobs more secure for working people’, and ‘making sure that working people get their fair share of the nation’s wealth.’
  • The PM this morning says that the focus of possible IR reforms will be job creation rather than conditions at work. (ABC)
    • also said that he is considering introducing legislation to overrule a federal court decision making casual workers entitled to paid leave
  • The PM yesterday flagged delays in several areas:
    • said the timetable for a referendum on indigenous recognition would depend on whether ‘consensus is able to be achieved for it to be successful’
    • religious freedom changes and an anti-corruption body ‘not something Cabinet has considered for some time’
  • The federal government is working on a multi-billion scheme to construct residential housing (AFR):
    • being worked on by Treasurer Frydenberg and Minister for Housing Sukkar
    • expected to focus on large cash grants to buyers of new homes (SMH)
  • Former Premiers Mike Baird and Jay Weatherill have jointly called for National Cabinet to be retained for at least another twelve months to build a federal (as opposed to national) economic plan. (Guardian)

Update: 21/05/202


  • President Trump says ‘the incompetence of China’ has caused ‘mass worldwide killing.’
  • US Secretary of State Pompeo has defended Australia. “The Chinese Communist Party chose to threaten Australia with economic retribution for the simple act of asking for an independent inquiry into the origins of the virus. It’s not right. We stand with Australia and the more than 120 nations now who have taken up the American call for an inquiry…’
  • Energy Minister Taylor will today release the Technology Investment Road Map, pointing to a larger role for gas, hydrogen and pumped hydro rather than coal. (AFR)
    • The Australian says that investment and tax incentives to drive cheaper energy costs are likely to be included in the October Budget.
  • A leaked draft report by the manufacturing taskforce advising the NCCC recommends a range of measures to support manufacturing (Guardian):
    • create a new Manufacturing Board reporting to the Minister; the creation of Industry Hubs; a national campaign to change the image of manufacturing;
    • focus on particular areas: food and agritech; mintech and rare earths; energy and renewables, advanced building materials; healthcare and biotech; space; defence
    • a big focus developing gas through the use of subsidies, underwriting, and co-investment.
  • Safe Work Australia yesterday eased its guidelines on lifts.
    • Changed from a requirement for four square metres per person to a rule which says physically distance ‘as far as you reasonably can.’ (AFR)
  • Federal Court case yesterday has found that casual workers are entitled to full time worker entitlements such as annual leave, paid carers leave and paid compassionate leave. (AFR)
  • The JobKeeper scheme is being oversubscribed (6.4m people subscribed vs 6m forecast), and may need fine-tuning. (AFR)
    • says that one option flagged by experts might be to extend the 30 per cent revenue fall test from one month to three months from July
  • Grattan Institute warns of October ‘cliff’ due to the ending of several programmes: JobKeeper ends, double-JobSeeker ends, welfare stimulus payments end, cash flow support for SMEs end, and six month loan deferrals from banks end. (AFR)  – good reference for the homelessness inquiry submission
  • Many people withdrawing super early have been spending it on online wagering, according to ‘sources familiar with bank transaction data.’ (AFR)
  • Andrew Hastie MP (Lib) has called for ’time-limited tax incentives’ to build self-reliance in key medical supplies and other critical goods in order to reduce dependence on China. (Australian)
  • The Senate Select Committee into Covid-19 meets today from 10am. Witnesses include Attorney General Department (IR specialists), Fair Work Commission, Fair Work Ombudsman, and Treasury (including the Secretary).

One year on – CHL making progress on its Reconciliation journey

Australia’s largest not-for-profit community housing provider, Community Housing Limited (CHL), is commemorating the one-year anniversary of their REFLECT Reconciliation Action Plan at the start of the National Reconciliation Week 2020.

CHL has not only been providing affordable housing to vulnerable and at-risk groups across the nation for the last 26 years but has been committed towards enabling Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to determine their own housing future and live in accordance with cultural values and customs through Aboriginal Community Housing Limited (ACHL).

With this long-term commitment at the forefront of the organisation, CHL has spent the past twelve months providing Aboriginal cultural awareness training to staff, reviewing current practices, policies, service delivery and procurement of services and making appropriate changes to them.

For the full media release, click here

Update: 21/05/2020


  • PM Morrison will use a June 4 summit with Indian President Narendra Modi to cement new agreements developing reliable supply chains in key strategic sectors including medical goods, technology, and critical minerals. (Australian)
    • They will also sign a new defence agreement allowing reciprocal access to bases and co-operation on military projects, and a new education partnership regarding universities.
  • Chinese officials have drawn up a list of more Australian exports – including seafood, oats, fruit, dairy, and wine – that might be targeted for trade restrictions, according to Bloomberg.
    • suggests that they could be subject to stricter quality checks, anti-dumping probes, tariffs, customs delays, or state media encouraged consumer boycotts.
  • The World Health Assembly has formally voted for independent inquiry into Covid-19.
  • NCCC Chair Nev Power has flagged a gas pipeline from WA, boosted gas production in eastern states, and shifting energy intensive manufacturing west as options under consideration by the NCCC. (AFR)
  • Industry Minister Andrews speaks at the National Press Club today (AFR):
    • will say that while government might support domestic manufacturing of particular items like PPE, consumers will drive any return to domestic manufacturing.
    • will also rule out increasing tax incentives for R&D, and press for better alignment of researchers and industry.
  • The Fair Work Commission has advised the government that it has no jurisdiction to adjudicate a wave of JobKeeper disputes. (AFR)
    • Most of the complaints centre on businesses denying staff the wage subsidy.
  • The Department of Education, Skills and Employment is reviewing employment assistance programmes to ensure that they return employees to work as soon as possible (AFR).
  • The UK government has suggested that some countries with good Covid records might skip the two-week incoming quarantine period (meaning, in practice, Australia and NZ and others). (AFR)